A Sign Of Hope
A 1977 Volkswagen Type 2 van, parked in a Malibu neighborhood during the Palisades fire in January 2025, miraculously survived the destruction that ravaged surrounding homes and vehicles. The image (AP Photo by Mark J Terrill) of the van, brightly colored and untouched amidst the destruction, became a symbol of hope for many.
A former client reached out and asked if I could create something inspired by this amazing story. Her friend and family lost their home in the Palisades fires, but the VW van surviving seems a sign of hope to her.
My family and friends in LA are luckily not living near the fires, but they all know someone who has lost their home, and obviously the fires and destruction have impacted everyone in LA.
So, this illustration of the surviving retro VW van is for many a sign of hope, and a reminder that there is always hope.
100% of the sales goes to the California Community Foundation Wildfire Recovery Fund. CCF's Wildfire Recovery Fund efforts aim to rebuild and restore the lives of those most affected by wildfires and climate disasters in California, and the most vulnerable and underserved.
See the photo and three variations (Yellow, Pink, White) of the surviving van below. Click on one of the illustrations to go to the store if you’d like to purchase a print and support the CCF Wildfire Recovery Fund.
Thank you,
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